Weekly Update from Pastor Chris | April 16, 2020
Christ is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!
We have come through certainly the most unique Holy Week quite possibly since the very first one 2000 years ago! What we have learned in these weeks is that while the church buildings might be closed, the Church itself is still in business… we are now to consider ourselves deployed. One of the marks of a spiritually healthy congregation is how we prepare each other for life outside, in the world. These days of quarantine are certainly putting all of our training to hard work and I know that you all share my desire to be back “together” soon! In the meantime, we are safe in the promises of the Resurrection and the words of Jesus that echo down through the ages, “Do not fear.”
Thank you and next steps for our community
The Kingdom work of this church continues in myriad ways. Each day your staff, pastors and volunteers are reaching out to those in need of prayer, conversation and connections. Our food pantry continues to serve the neediest among us. Our committees and church programs are learning the ups and down of Zoom meetings. Our online worship offerings continue to make an impact both live and in subsequent viewings. For all of this we give thanks for all of the hard work, prayer, generosity, and love that prepared us to not only survive as a church but thrive in these anxious times.
In the days and months to come we will be exploring what it means to be a community again. Our government leaders, COVID Task Force, and Church Board and Staff are already thinking ahead about the how’s and what if’s and just like for the rest of our world the biggest question remains “When?” We are certain about only one thing and that is the God is God and we are not. We will continue to communicate with you all and hope you will continue to reach out to us and each other as we live into this new normal.
An update on Pr. Joe
Pr. Joe is on track to return home early next week! Lynn and the boys are, as can be imagined, ready to have him home yesterday! Thank you to everyone who has reached out to the Brosious family. By next time I update you I am prayerful we can celebrate Pr. Joe’s homecoming!
Dear friends, remember that Easter is a 50-day season. Use these days to catch glimpses of those resurrection promises in all of your relationships… and then let’s take our new identities as People of the Resurrection beyond these days and into God’s promised future!