
Weekly Update from Pastor Chris | March 26, 2020

The New Normal

The reality of this new “normal” has begun to sink in for most of us. Many of our members are experiencing job loss, health concerns, and grief of all shapes and all sizes. If there is some way we can be of comfort or assistance in these times please take a moment to respond to the pastoral concern address at so that one of or pastors or care team members can reach out to you and wrap you into the continuing prayers of our whole church.

An Update on Pastor Joe

I am pleased to share that Pastor Joe continues to make strong steps in his recovery. He is awake and beginning physical and speech therapies. The COVID-19 restrictions in place mean that Lynn and the boys can only visit Joe via FaceTime so please continue to pray for them and for Joe in this long journey. We pray that Joe’s brain continues to heal and form new pathways of resiliency. We pray that even in this time when we cannot be next to his side that he feels the presence of our community cheering him on until that day when we can finally see him and encourage him face to face.

Church. Together.

While we cannot worship and pray in each other’s company please continue to make use of our online worship events and materials. Sunday morning services continue to build an audience and I hope that you find comfort in some familiar faces, songs, and voices in those times. Our Mid-Week worship service will continue for one more week until Holy Week and we will, prayerfully, have a better understanding of what lies ahead of us in terms of our ability to gather together as a church.

G. K. Chesterton wrote, “[People of] true religious tradition understands two things: liberty and obedience. The first means knowing what you really want. The second means knowing what you really trust.”

Dear God,
Help us continue to place the fullness of our lives, our future, our present, our past firmly in your care. When the world goes topsy-turvey we are reminded that you are our God and it is in you, through the body and blood of your Son, Jesus, that we place our trust.
