Amped Confirmation Care Package Project

Sending Care to Service Members
Every year each AMPed confirmation small group conducts a service project to learn about what it means to serve others. This year one group is in need of your assistance.
They are looking to coordinate letters and/or care packages to those family members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church who are on active duty or currently deployed. If you have a family member who is in on active duty in the United States or deployed overseas we are interested in hearing from you. This is a great service project idea. If you are Interested in sharing please contact Chris Diller,, thank you!
[button size=” style=” text=’Contact Chris’ icon=’fa-envelope’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=’15’]