Creation Keepers
Creation Keepers – Care for Creation Initiative
During lent, we are going to be using reusable coffee cups (or bring your own) at the Madison campus and compostable cups at our Verona campus as part of our…
Read MorePraise of Creation
“The heavens are telling the glory of God… There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth,…
Read More50th Anniversary of Earth Day
April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day As Christians, we celebrate that God created the world and God’s hand continues to create life. We are greatly blessed…
Read MoreCreation Keepers: Recycling Styrofoam
Expanded Polystyrene (commonly called Styrofoam, though the latter is a distinct product) is a very common and useful substance: it insulates nicely, absorbs shock well, can be formed into almost…
Read MoreGrowth of Pines
A Reflection from Douglas Wood Growing seems to be a common trait among living things. But I wonder if anyone’s ever done it better that an old pine. If you’re…
Read MoreMoon Walk Field Trip at the U.W. Arboretum
You are invited to join the Creation Keepers Task Force for a Moon Walk at the U.W. Arboretum on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Bundle up and join us…
Read MoreFood, Faith and Farming Network Farmers Market comes to Verona Campus
One of the highlights of summer in Madison is our many opportunities to purchase produce right from the growers at the many farmers’ markets throughout the Madison area. Did you…
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