Partnering with Orchard Ridge Elementary

Providing Supplies to Start the Year Off Right
It is the beginning of a new school year. Good Shepherd plays a vital role in partnering with Orchard Ridge Elementary School which is located just a few blocks from our Madison campus. We provide support in a number of area including donating much needed school supplies. Children attending VBS and camps this summer have already gotten us off to a good start donating over a 100 school supplies.

VBS campers add their school supply donations to the collection bin
Do you remember how fun it was to get a new box of crayons at the beginning of the school year? If you haven’t had a child in school recently, you may be surprised at what children are expected to supply. For many families, this is a significant expense. A supply list can be found at :
ds/orchard_ridge_-_english.rev.pdf or picked up at either campus. Donations of school supplies may be left in the bins at both the Verona and Madison campuses. Thank you for your support!
[button size=’large’ style=” text=’Download Supply List’ icon=’fa-arrow-circle-o-right’ icon_color=” link=’ ds/orchard_ridge_-_english.rev.pdf’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=’normal’ font_weight=’700′ text_align=’center’ margin=’15’]