Pen Pals and School Supplies Help Students Feel Supported
Learn how to partner with Orchard Ridge Elementary this school year
Supporting & Serving our Elementary Age Neighbors at Orchard Ridge
Do you know that Good Shepherd partners with Orchard Ridge Elementary School (ORE) which is in the Madison campus neighborhood? There will be many opportunities during the school year for you to be a part of this important ministry.
School Supplies –This program gathers supplies for children of those families in need. Items needed include back packs, markers, colored pencils, dry erase markers, glue bottles, scissors, pencil cases, black or blue pens, post it notes and coffee filters (used to hold snacks). Donations can be brought to either campus and placed in the Adopt-a –School bins.
Pen Pals – This program matches a church member with a third grader. The pen pals correspond monthly with each other through short letters throughout the school year. At the end of the year we have a meet and greet with our pen pal. This year we need 40 pen pals. This is a great way to make a different in a child’s life.
If you are interested in being a pen pal or have questions, please contact Beth Ringgenberg at 608-276-4015 or