Healing Prayer Service

Our Healing Prayer Service provides comfort, support and healing for many difficult life situations. Leave the busyness of the day behind and take time to humbly come before our God.…

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Zooming in Prayer

Join Donna and others at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays for 30 minutes on Zoom of praying for the world, our community, our congregation and each other. Contact Donna Maysack for…

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News Worship

Special Prayer Service | Monday, June 1

We Pray Together

We gather together to pray for our city and our nation. Join us live at 10:00 a.m. wherever you are.

A Prayer for the Power of the Spirit among the People of God

God of all power and love, we give thanks for your unfailing presence
and the hope you provide in times of uncertainty and loss.
Send your Holy Spirit to enkindle in us your holy fire.
Revive us to live as Christ’s body in the world:
a people who pray, worship, learn, break bread, share life, heal neighbors,
bear good news, seek justice, rest and grow in the Spirit.
Wherever and however we gather,
unite us in common prayer and send us in common mission,
that we and the whole creation might be restored and renewed,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

News Worship

Evening Prayer Service | Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Praying Together

Join us this Wednesday at 7pm (via YouTube) for a contemplative service of song, prayer and reflection. Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson will be offering a brief message and we will join in singing Marty Haugen’s “Holden Evening Prayer.”

Get connected at gslcwi.com/live

Consider setting up a space in your home for worship and perhaps light a candle when it is time to begin. We look forward to meeting you in your homes. Grace and peace to you all!

Worship Bulletin

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Online Offering

Click here to make an online donation