Board Minutes

February 2019 Summary Minutes

February 2019 Board of Directors Meeting Highlights

The board was joined by Rick Blum, Sarah Iverson, and members of the Shared Leadership Task Force, including Chair Brenda Wilcox.

Pastor Chris opened in prayer.

The Shared Leadership Task Force presented its recommendations:

    • Congregation: What does shared leadership look like?  Leadership extends beyond the pastors and the board; EVERYONE in the congregation is responsible and invited to be engaged. We would communicate this as a living discussion via video.  Committees need to be active and vital so leadership roles need to be engaged.  We have 12 committees w/ 100 people and will highlight them so the congregation can see their activities.  We will commission them quarterly within worship services – a blessing & thank you to show appreciation for service, and build awareness of each ministry.
  • Board: We will create a short video on where to find information about the board.
    • The communication strategy includes the medium, timing and responsibility for posting most items on the website, with hard copies in a binder at the information desks. This will be communicated via the Messenger, enews, lobby screens and screens in worship.  Posted information will include an overview, constitution, by-laws, board member photos & bios, calendars, agendas, meeting highlights, reader-friendly financial reports, full financial reports and annual meeting announcement and packets.
    • We have created the board vice president (Andrew Seaborg) as the new Information Officer.
    • The board nominating committee information will be communicated later this year. New board members will have an on-boarding plan and mentoring process.
  • Committees: These are the liaison between board & congregation; they provide input to the board and listening to the congregation; each of the 12 committees need to have a defined charter, aligned with GSLC’s vision.  A ministry fair is planned for September to recruit volunteers.  Members serve for 1+ years, and chairs 2+.


The board approved the task force’s recommendations, with gratitude for the work done.

Minutes from prior meetings were approved.

Pastor Chris thanked the board for serving.  The jump into the lake was cold and $1,000 was raised for Special Olympics for member Chris Larson.

Summer pastoral support was approved as Pr. Dara will be on sabbatical and Pr. Joe on the Boundary Waters men’s trip.

Administrator Rick Blum reported that at the board’s 12/8 meeting, items were removed from the budget due to a $100,000 shortfall which totaled an 11% decrease in spending.  He also reviewed the February statistics dashboard and noted that a new capital campaign is being considered for late 2019 or early 2020.

President Gerry Born set upcoming meeting times, the calendar and board installation.

Rick Blum reported the January financial report.  There is a new reporting format, grouping items by program area.

We had several committee updates from Rick Blum.  In future, committee reports will be done at board meetings by board representatives.  Gerry made committee assigned for the board members.

The ELCA synod convention is May 4-5.  Board members or lay people may attend and be delegates.

The meeting was adjourned after the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara McCormack
Board Secretary