
This Sunday: October 6, 2019

A little faith goes a long way is our Lord’s point in the gospel. A mustard seed’s-worth has miraculous potential. The patience, tenacity, and endurance required for the life of faith are the blessings received in water and the word (holy baptism), bread and wine (holy communion), the word read and proclaimed in this assembly. Anticipate them. Receive them with thanksgiving.

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This Sunday: September 8th, 2019

Called to contemplate the cost of discipleship today, we might be helped by translating Paul’s request to Philemon into our prayer of the day: Refresh my heart in Christ. Strengthened by the company and forgiveness of the Christ in the blessed sacrament and recalling God’s grace in remembrance of baptism, we can be strengthened in this hour to “choose life”—to choose life in God as our own.

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This Sunday | September 1, 2019

Invited and inviting—that is the nature of the church. By God’s grace in holy baptism we have a place at the banquet table of the Lord. When, by the power of that same Spirit, humility and mutual love continue among us, the church can be more inviting still.

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This Sunday | August 18, 2019

The word of God is a refining fire. Jesus is the great divide in human history. He invites our undivided attention and devotion. Today, in the assembly, we are surrounded by “so great a cloud of witnesses.” In the word and in the holy communion we are invited yet again to look to Jesus, “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”

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This Sunday: August 4th 2019

Today’s texts offer instruction and encouragement for all who are occasionally overwhelmed by the “unhappy business” of life. Jesus urges us to take care and be on guard against all kinds of greed. We who have died with Christ in holy baptism have also been raised with him and are encouraged to elevate our thinking, seeking the “things that are above.” To that end we seek the sustenance of the Lord’s supper and the encouragement of God’s word.

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This Sunday: June 30, 2019

We have no good apart from God. That makes our Lord’s call to follow him an invitation to freedom. This is freedom to revel in the Spirit’s fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, and the like. This is the path of life.

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Pastor Dara Leaves for Sabbatical

Work & Rest

In late June, Pastor Dara Schuller-Hanson embarked on her first sabbatical, a time where she’ll be able to rest and enrich her relationship with God. Sabbatical is a response to God’s creation, taking a pause, and taking time to be with God. During her six weeks of rest, Pastor Dara will be spending time with her family, studying, and traveling to California for a week-long continuing education workshop at California Lutheran University and the Upper Peninsula for a solo camping trip, where she’ll be able to commune with nature and be in God’s beautiful creation.


This Sunday: June 23, 2019

This Sunday’s texts paint startling pictures of the horrific—the demonic—nature of sin. The church’s repeated celebration of the holy communion counters that tragic reality in a continued showing forth of the death of Jesus “until he comes.” It is a dramatic declaration of “how much God has done for you.”Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

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