Children Youth & Family Committees

Children Youth and Family | Meeting Notes | May 7, 2019

May 7, 2019: Children, Youth and Family Ministry Committee Meeting
Attendance: Sarah Iverson, Becca Mortensen, Pam Ziemlewicz, Jessica McCarty, Katie Wagner, Rich
Johnson, Noelle LoConte, Steve Johnson
Devotion: Confirmation Faith Statement Recap Video (Becca & Sarah). 52 confirmed Sunday with 1
more to be confirmed.
Summer camps (Katie): shared registration info for camps. Minimum 25 campers per camp 2 weeks
Interns: (Becca) 5 of 6 hired so far. All female. Hoping to find one more person, ideally a male to have an
additional role model.
Shared Leadership Update (Sarah):
• May 19 congregational meeting to approve the vision and a capital campaign and how they
mesh well together for a transformational future. Need 75 at the meeting to approve a quorum.
Shared Leadership working with committees to provide structure and continuity.
• Starting with Outreach & Finance to write charters than can serve as examples.
• Host Committee training events (several offered) that include how each committee has a role in
living out the vision. Potential dates: Evening week of May 28th, June 3, June 6, June 11 & June
. Plan to offer 7-8 dates. What are the guiding questions we could ask a committee to lead
• Capital Campaign – hire an outside group to help us change our culture and how we talk about
stewardship and generosity.
Verona Hometown Day Parade (June 2, 12:00 pm):
• 2018 – Holy COW in parade. Wagons behind with water bottles with VBS and summer camps
dates. Handed out 2,000 bottles of water
• Who owns this project? Last year shared between Children’s Ministry & Outreach committee
• Joe is willing to drive Holy Cow
• Popsicles suggested vs. water bottles
• More people from the congregation may like to be involved (all call to congregation for help)
• Next Steps:
o Sarah & Becca to discuss at staff meeting (5/15) to decide which committee/who owns
o Fund with Thrivent Grant. Pamela has one more.
First Communion Recognition
• Comment/Suggestion from Rich on how we can include the congregation more in this
celebration and important milestone
• Appreciated how on Maundy Thursday pastors called the First Communion Recipients first
• Potentially could tell congregation ahead of time when kids will be receiving their first
communion (when the services are) so they can come support them
• Becca recommended she participate in the First Communion class so we can be more
intentional about the messages we share children and youth. Steve suggested Amped kids could
serve as a mentor to the younger kids going through first communion study.
Intergenerational support for Faith Milestones
• Cards for First Communion and Confirmation – cards set out and congregation invited to sign for
kids receiving first communion and being confirmed. Purchase cards or ask card ministry to
create? 6
th graders create the cards for the 8th graders, Amped service event led by card ministry
• Or congregation could sign bible covers.
• Setup like nametag Sundays
• Other faith/life milestones congregation could support? High school graduation
Additional Comments/Questions
• Steve asked about Amped Guide/Volunteer survey like church school. Paper copy had been
done last year. Missed this year. Sarah thought she could send one out via email and most
volunteers would respond. Becca to create survey and send out this week.
Brainstorm: How to create a time for families in the summer
• 20/30s ministry holding a bonfire. Sounds like a great family event!
• Parking Lot grill out
• Roller Rink @ Verona and Kona Ice (bring what you want to ride and go in a circle!)
• Camp Randall tailgate at the LoConte’s! High schoolers can park cars to fundraise.
• Movie Night
• Bald Eagle Viewing
• Arboretum walk with naturalist (Creation Keeper’s Partnership: if Nature Explorers isn’t a go…
could we utilize some of those ideas for a family night?)
• Dane County Fair
• Bratfest – meet at Christian Music stage
• Meet at Wisconsin Brewing Company, bring your dog!
• Governor Nelson Park – bring your dog
• Hiking Indian Lake
• Military Ridge Bike Path to breakfast or lunch (to Paoli? Riley?)
• Keep in mind – don’t make all the events food centered or involve alcohol
Next Meeting: Coordinate our next meeting as our Shared Leadership training. Benefit from going
through as a committee. Tentatively Tuesday, June 11, time TBD.
Closed in prayer at 8:12 p.m.