Board Minutes

Board Minutes: March 16, 2020

Good Shepherd Special Board Meeting

March 16, 2020

Location: Online

Attending: Board – Andrew Seaborg (President), Sara McCormack (VP), Wade Huseth (Treasurer), Bob Beggs (Secretary), Kimberly King, Stephanie Barth, Dave Vogt, Betsy Johnson, Tyler Gold, Pr. Chris Enstad. Staff – Rick Blum, Joanne Zastrow (clerk), Sarah Iverson, Pr. Sheryl Erickson, Pr. Dara Schuller – Hanson, Becca Mortensen


Opening Prayer: 6:10 Andrew Seaborg

Approval of Feb Board Minutes w/edits: Sara McCormack w/tweak to financials minutes “accept financial report”. Edit Chris Enstad notes to be as high level as possible re: estate gift (former member); foundation verbiage removed from minutes. With changes move to approve minutes = Motion – Tyler; Betsy second. Minutes approved.

Financial Summary: 6:19 w/Wade. As of Feb slightly ahead of plan; loan balance has gone down since beginning of year. Over $100,000 set aside for capital approvements. From high level assessment if no more revenue came is as of Feb, we have enough reserves to cover expenses for 3 months. Should feel confident making decisions keeping church running as is for now. Need to think through line items of what might change by line item w/church closed. Could make phone calls for more giving or access line for credit if needed (but that would be last safety net).

Reminder from executive committee re: appeal that church business requires funding and to continue giving. David suggested having an offering during online service w/verbiage and link to give. Wade notes that St. James in Verona does not have online services to share link; Andrew mentioned reaching out to the Pentecostal church and Bhutanese Church to see if they need help streaming.

Sara M moved to pass financials report; Chris second. Motion Approved.

Lead Pastors Report: 6:30 Chris Between M-F our whole world changed; grateful for the God moments in helping Joe; was grateful for the hard work of the staff to prepare for online worship on Sunday March 15. Sunday was a day where we found strength in each other, pulling us together electronically. Gives hope of what following weeks will hold. Update from Lynn is that we still have long ways to go; but hopeful; Joe’s prognosis is best we could expect right now and very hopeful.

There are other pastors we can call on to help with preaching as we move forward with worship online.

Stephanie asked thoughts about comments on the side of live streaming; Eric said started out positive; negative comments have to be moderated out if it’s not password protected; but users and comments can be banned. Live comment feed could be disabled. P Chris and Eric will connect further. Stephanie: comments help build community if it can be closely monitored. Eric: 4 person job = sound, camera, slides and monitoring screen

Covid 19 Task Force Update 6:41 Sara McCormick: See Minutes from Task Force Meeting (highlights: consider elderly, social distancing, Rick Thomas meeting w/food pantry for drive thru, communicating to the elderly; postcard being sent re building closure) Andrew, impressive group put together; feels confident in how we’ve handled it so far.

Presidents Report 6:47 Andrew: Wants all hands on deck right now, and communications are essential. Staff is invited to board meeting to let them know that we have the financial resources to continue paying the staff. It’s recommendation of executive committee to continue paying staff. Wade asked about Little Blessings credits. Rick said there is a possibility that some salaries from Little Blessings might be covered through insurance (UPDATE: Not covered.). Jodi is talking about possibility keeping school open longer, through July. Rick double checking details of insurance policy. Wade: what to do with paid tuition if service not given.

Andrew: suggests moving board meeting to monthly, keep key staff members involved in board meeting moving forward for the time being. Hold board meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month @ 6:00; Executive Committee meeting on 1st Monday at 6:00.

Andrew: Board is here to help Pastors during this time when Joe is healing. Andrew hears that people want contact with pastors. This time provides opportunity. Executive committee wants to help the 3 of you reach out and connect with people within the congregation. Calling on everyone on the board to “step-it up.” Have to think of new and creative ways to feel Christ’s love; and stay connected. Original agenda of tonight’s meeting was long-term planning, so agenda has shifted to what comes next and who we get members of the congregation involved as much as possible.

Sara M. is heading up Covid 19 response.

Bob & Ronda Beggs heading up team to reach out to the most vulnerable.

Question: how can we be most effective and be respectful of people’s time in connecting members of our congregation?

Rick: shared leadership will be helpful

Betsy: Shut-ins and other situations are confined to rooms; can not have human connection. We need to be creative with what we do for that population.

  1. Sheryl: Home communion folks will continue to call on them. How do we connect with the vulnerable population that we do not know about. Have to balance new ideas with sustaining existing ways of loving and caring for each other.

Eric: We have some ways to connect with people using data from beyond.

Andrew: Ask to the board — who else are we supposed to be reaching out to within the congregation to help with things; what are you passionate about in helping with during this time.

Sara M: One of the key components is communication and Eric is already slammed. Would like to beef up communications efforts to be proactive to help. Eric = ask depends on what are we looking for help with. Larger need is strategy, not always implementation.

Joanne: CY&F are beginning to look at what how to be connecting with families.

Dara: Keep showing up to what we offer.

Chris: We’re settling into new normal. We will most likely need to postpone confirmation; may have to have Easter virtually. Not setting up a caring bridge for Joe because that needs to be done by family. Eric is putting button on website for P Joe updates. For March 22 & 29 worship online.

Jared: Asking about possibility of recording and distributing or recording and showing at another time; and do we have backups for capturing and recording.


Sara M: Gave update on CareNet; Mobile unit being setup in parking lot at Madison. Need to know they won’t have access to building. Sara reaching out to Becky B to contact CareNet.

RECAP & ACTION ITEMS: To staff, board is on your side. To Board continue to think of ways you can help.

7:54 End with Lord’s Prayer.


Respectfully submitted,



Robert Beggs



Good Shepherd Mission: (Proposed) In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.

Good Shepherd’s Vision: (Proposed) By the grace of God and the love of Jesus Christ, we will meet each person where they are, and invite them into transformative relationships with God, each other, and the communities in which we live and serve. We will cultivate and empower lay leaders to support this life-changing work at Good Shepherd and beyond.