Mission Moments News

Evangelism 101

We are the church together

Do you remember that children’s rhyme- here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people? While cute and catchy, it is not really accurate because we know the church is not a building. The church is the people. Whether we gather in a pastor’s basement, a middle school cafeteria or are all sitting down to watch Youtube worship together in our own homes, we continue to be the church. And during a time when things are changing day to day, it helps to know that we, the church, are still at work sharing God’s love, supporting one another and serving each other however we can. As we gather to connect in new ways, what does it look like to invite people to be a part of our church?

Sharing our Faith

We, Lutherans, aren’t always the flashiest when it comes to sharing our faith, but what if we were? This is an opportunity to share why Jesus matters to us and sharing our stories of faith, with the hope that others will want to share theirs too. What if right now we offered love and connection by inviting a friend to online worship by sharing our church link, forwarding a church devotion or sharing a hopeful reflection about faith? Maybe we could inspire someone to see what we, the church, are really about. Especially when you are looking for ways to help, share our Good Shepherd website on your Facebook page or if you know of someone who’s church can’t do online worship right now, invite them to view Good Shepherd’s. We are united as one Body of Christ and this is the time to share resources, invite those looking for hope and be creative in connecting with one another.

Peace be with you and your family during this time.

-Pastor Dara and Sarah Iverson