Board Minutes

February 2019 Full Board Minutes

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Board of Directors Minutes
February 18, 2019 (6:30 p.m.)
Madison Campus

Present:  Stephanie Barth, Bob Beggs, Gerry Born (President), Pr. Chris Enstad, Ellen Franzone, Wade Huseth, Kimberly King, Sara McCormack, Andrew Seaborg

Absent:  Tom Golden

Also present:  Dir. Of Admin. Rick Blum, Dir. Of Spiritual Programming and Development Sarah Iverson


Representing Shared Leadership Task Force:  Vern Andren, Jim Edgerly, Mike Harper, Sara McCormack, Lois O’Rourke, Ryan Panzer, Karen Smith, Allan Tereba, Dale Veerhusen, and Brenda Wilcox (Chair); absent Paul Bekx, Kristie Kass and David Vogt

1. Call to order and opening prayer – Pr. Chris

  1. Introductions – Gerry
  2. Shared Leadership Task Force Presentation


  1. Overview and Congregation Communication Strategy – Brenda
    1. 3 goals –To receive feedback and approval of the proposed recommendations; to receive feedback and approval on proposed implementation, and suggestions on engaging congregation feedback
    2. What does shared leadership look like? Not all leadership is Pr. Chris’ or the board’s responsibility; EVERYONE in the congregation is responsible and invited to be engaged. We would communicate this as a living discussion via video; committees need to be active and vital so we need to engage them in their leadership roles; we have 12 committees w/ 100 people.  Let’s highlight them so the congregation can see them and their activities.  The board is ok with this conceptually.
  • Commissioning process quarterly within worship services – blessing & thank you to show appreciation for service, and build awareness of each ministry.


  1. Board Communication Strategy – Sara (with Jim and Mike)
    1. Our Joshua Group research indicated that some in the congregation do not feel they have good communication from and with the board. We are addressing this by creating a short video on where to find information, and creating the board vice president as the new Information Officer.
    2. A strategy has been created to provide the information, including the communication medium, timing and responsibility.
  • Key deliverables include a summary document, constitution and by-laws, board members & photos, calendars, agendas, meeting highlights, reader friendly financial reports, full financial reports and annual meeting announcement and packets. Most will be posted on the website, with hard copies in a binder at the information desk.  This will be communicated via the messenger, lobby screens and screens in worship; some via enews.
  1. The nominating committee communication will be communicated via Messenger, website and enews with information regarding role, members, board nominations and suggested board talents, time and treasures.
  2. New board members will have an on-boarding plan to cover responsibilities, importance of the role, financial reviews, review of our governance, vision, shared leadership model and committee structure. A mentoring process will be established through third year board members, and a check-in by the president.


  1. Committee Communication Strategy – Karen
    1. Committees are the liaison between board & congregation; they provide input to the board and listening to the congregation; each of the 12 committees need to have a defined charter, aligned with GSLC’s vision.
    2. To engage the congregation and have volunteers, it is recommended to have a ministry fair each September, and also recruit for members online.
  • Terms – one-year member terms without limits; two-year chair & vice chair terms. Committee size to be based on need, meeting monthly, or bi-monthly as needed.  Meeting minutes done and to board (Rick or board rep) – process needs clarification for committees; committee chair onboarding; communicate via Committee Corner in Messenger; visible chairs; email box for each committee and person responsible for in-box.


  1. Andrew moved to approve the task force’s recommendations, with gratitude for the work done. Stephanie seconded.  The motion carried unanimously.  The Executive committee will discuss further at its March meeting; Brenda will continue to provide board with feedback regarding implementation.


  1. Minutes – Gerry


  1. Ellen moved and Kimberly seconded to accept the January minutes. Motion carried.
  2. Stephanie moved and Ellen seconded to accept the February 10 meeting minutes to elect officers. Motion carried.



  1. Lead Pastors report – Pr. Chris
    1. Thank you to all for serving.
    2. Financials look good; the jump into the lake was cold and $1,000 was raised for Special Olympics for member Chris Larson.
    3. Pr. Chris suggested we might want to consider a devotion or study to begin board meetings.  After considering a prayer only; Dwelling in the Word devotion; a book study of Canoeing the Mountains; a pastor led study; the board decided that the we would do devotions based on scripture which spoke to each of us.  Executive committee members will lead these for the executive committee meetings; remaining board members will lead these for the board meetings.
    4. Pr. Dara has requested the Sabbatical she is eligible to take this summer.   Pr. Joe will also be gone some this summer on the Boundary Waters men’s trip.  Preaching support and pastoral visitation have been built into the budget and plan.  $1,000 for guest preachers was moved from the guest musicians budget item to cover.  Pr. Dara did not request financial support.  Sara moved that we approve her request based on the six weeks Pr. Chris discussed with her; Bob seconded; motion carried.
    5. The executive committee will be proactive and develop a plan for future sabbatical requests.
  1. Administrator’s Report – Rick
    1. Budget Implementation – At the board’s 12/8 meeting, items were removed from the budget due to a $100,000 shortfall for an 11% decrease in spending.  Further cuts are needed and Sarah Key & Diane Kohrs’ positions will end May 15.  Diane has been offered to stay on part time through May for song show at Verona & the AMPED music program.  Dollars for donuts have been eliminated starting 3/1 for Lent; a sponsorship program is in the works with vendors, providing them with signage at $80 per week.  Members can also donate and fund through Breeze.  We’ve also eliminated our synod contribution and seminary support.
    2. Rick reviewed the February statistics dashboard; the finance committee is tasked with what metrics should be charted and graphed and presented to congregation and determine what is appropriate to share.  The focus is to be on how lives have been impacted in addition to the finances.  Andrew is on the finance committee and will work with them on this.
    3. A new capital campaign is being considered for late 2019 or early 2020.  Rick is researching outside vendors as our capital consultants.  In the past, we’ve created our own campaign.  He’s talked to nine and will have three make presentations to a subcommittee of Pr. Chris, Sarah Schaettle, Mike Semmann, Rick, and Tom Golden.  Gerry, Andrew and Phyllis Wiederhoeft (Generosity chair) will also be asked to sit in.
  1. President’s report – Gerry
    1. The executive committee meeting & time was set for Monday, March 18 at 6:30p
    2. The board will meet on the third Monday of each month.  On April 22, Pr. Chris indicated that our synod bishop will attend.
    3. Gerry and Rick fleshed out the calendar template that former president Tom Golden used as a starting place for the upcoming board year.
    4. Gerry will schedule the board installation at both campuses, all services, and requests as many board members as possible attend.


  1. Financial Report (For January) – Rick (for Wade)
  1. There is a new reporting format, grouping items by program area; because of this, there are inconsistencies in YTY comparisons which are being worked on; otherwise, it’s laid out well.
  2. Gerry suggested we add the budget to the report.
  3. Sara moved to accept the report; Bob seconded. Motion carried.


  1. Committee updates – Rick
    1. Facilities – There is no more capital; all spending was eliminated for 2019; some smaller items have been moved to the operating budget of $25,000 for maintenance; The committee is looking for volunteers to help with smaller projects.
    1. Communication – rolling out shared leadership & vision committees; meets tomorrow,
    2. Committee reports will be done in future at board meetings by board representatives; if there are action items, the committee chairs will attend.


  1. Committee Assignments for Board members – Gerry
    1. Communications – Andrew
    2. Facilities – Rick as liaison
    3. Faith Formation – Ellen
    4. Finance – Wade and Andrew to support
    5. Generosity – Bob
    6. Hospitality – Kimberly
    7. Inreach – Ellen
    8. Outreach – Kimberly
    9. RIC Task Force – Tom
    10. Safety & Security Task Force – none
    11. Technology & Innovation – Tom
    12. Worship, Music & Arts – Sara
    13. Youth & Family (& Children) – Stephanie




  1. Synod Convention and delegates – Gerry
  1. May 4 – 5. Board members or lay people may attend; more info is available on the synod website.  Early registration deadline is March 29.


  1. Actions Items/Recap – Gerry
    1.  Gerry will assign third year board members to be mentors to first year board members.
  1. Sarah I extended two invitations to the board:
    1. She’s looking for three Chili cookoff judges; Andrew agreed to   She’s also looking for chili cooks.
    2. She is also looking for Lenten devotionals by Friday if interested and will send out a template.


  1. Lord’s Prayer – Gerry
  2. Adjournment – Sara moved and Andrew seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried.


Good Shepherd Vision: (old): Reflective the love of Jesus to transform lives and create disciples.

Good Shepherd Vision: (Proposed) In response to God’s love and grace we…Welcome as we have been welcomed, forgive as we have been forgiven, serve as we have been served.

Good Shepherd’s Mission: We invite and welcome all people to worship God, grow in faith through the Holy Spirit and serve others in Jesus’ name.


Respectfully submitted,

Sara McCormack
Board Secretary