Giving Thanks for the First Food Pantry Garden Growing Season
God is so good! We have seen that through our first growing season at the Good Shepherd Food Pantry Garden! Our garden produced over 1500 lbs. of produce including peas, beans, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, sweet corn, mini watermelons, beets and radishes. We had over 150 people come out to the garden to volunteer, including 4th and 5th graders from our Church School program, youth from other states on mission trips to Madison through Next Step Ministries and adult members of our church.
Made Possible by Community
We had a small group of dedicated garden team volunteers who helped plan and did a majority of the garden work this summer- thank you to them especially. A member helped us get Thrivent Action Team funds to help purchase garden tools. Others have donated seeds, tools and a tiller. We worked in cooperation with the Creation Keepers team to get a compost system up and running. We celebrated the end of our harvest at our potluck Harvest Dinner on October 7, 2018. The highlight of our garden this year is our giant pumpkin!
If you want to be a part of the garden team, please contact Pastor Dara at !