New Member Dinner – October 25th in Verona

Get Connected at Good Shepherd
Whether you’re brand new to Good Shepherd or just looking for ways to connect, you’re invited to our New Member Welcome Dinner. This is an opportunity to connect with pastors, staff, and members of our community, share a little of your story, and learn more about who we are and where we’re headed as a church. You can get information about small groups and Outreach ministries, ask questions, and share concerns.
Most importantly, it’s a fun night out. Dinner is provided and there will be crafts and games for kids and nursery available upon request. The Welcome Dinner is at the Verona Campus on Thursday, October 25th, from 6:00pm – 7:30pm.
RSVP for the Welcome Dinner
So, whether you are a lifelong Lutheran, brand new to the faith or someone of no faith at all, we’d love to connect with you! Please RSVP by using the online registration form, or by emailing our coordinator, Donna Maysack at [email protected] or calling 608-271-6633 x1310.
We look forward to seeing you!
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