Weekly Update from Pastor Chris | April 30, 2020

Prayer and Discernment in the Midst of Crisis
These past weeks have had much to teach us and I, like you, have struggled to find meaning or purpose in what this time of quarantine, displacement, economic and public health crises will mean for us as human beings on this planet in the months and years to come. It is most difficult to arrive at understanding when we are in the midst of crisis itself. That does not mean that we can’t be praying and discerning even while we navigate the day-to-day changes that are coming our way. Here are a few things I am carrying with me in my daily walk with God:
- The choice between our economic health and our physical health is a false one. There is a way to tend to both at the same time, but that means trusting in each other, government officials, and scientific research in ways we have not been very good at over the last few years.
- Connection is the root of all human and environmental relationships. Technology is helpful, but we are learning it is not a perfect substitute for seeing each other face-to-face.
- We truly are in this together.
The great 13th century theologian Meister Eckhart wrote, “God is not found in the soul by adding anything, but by a process of subtraction.” Have you been able to take advantage of this time of solitude to draw closer to God?
Perspective and Hope
That same theologian wrote, “Heaven is so wide and so immense that if I told you, you would not believe it. If you were to take a needle and prick the heavens with it then that part of heaven that the needle point pricked would be greater in comparison to heaven and the whole world, than heaven and the whole world are in comparison to God.”
The God, the God of the cosmos, is the God that sent his only Son to die for you and for me. That God, the God who created all in all, has told you and me and this entire world that we are worth everything. May that hope guide you and us in the days and months to come.
An update on Pastor Joe
Joe continues to recover at home and is taking great strides in his physical therapy. Our prayers are with him as he prepares for one final surgery to replace the part of his skull that was removed almost two months ago! We pray for Lynn, Connor and Mason as they walk with their husband and dad. Thank you for your cards and gifts to the Brosious family – they truly know they are wrapped in the love of this place!